Monday, July 27, 2009

Bow-wow, WOW I ate DOG

Yes, it’s true ladies and gentlemen, I have officially eaten man’s best friend, and let me tell you… I wasn’t too impressed. It tastes a little like meat that has been boiled down to the point of no taste; or kind of like meat you chew in your mouth a long time and can’t seem to swallow (remember megs and mer when we used to do this at dinner, then sneak into the bathroom to spit it out ☺). Yea, dog, as we had it was just okay… I think the stew was a little better than the meat on its own. Here’s a fun fact we were informed of; dog in Korea is known as somewhat akin to Viagra. That’s right! It’s supposed to give the consumer extended endurance! True to its reputation, the restaurant was a complete guy’s club, only one very tough ornery lady (who looked like she could handle herself in a bar fight) sat amongst the men. The food was okay, the company was great, and the stories/experience was priceless… and probably once in a lifetime if I have anything to say about it. I was awarded the piece de resistance- the eyeball, which was less eyebally than you might imagine. It didn’t really pop so much as chewed when I ate it. It was actually pretty good considering, and a great story to add onto the lamb balls I ate in china! There were some downsides to the dinner. One being the added cost of “service” which was fairly significant, and we took to mean the service of raising/killing/preparing the dog… sad day. The second being the weight on the soul. All you Harry Potter fans can believe me when I say, I felt like I could make a horcrux from the experience! The next day we were strangely all a little glum and worn… probably because of the heavy tax paid by the soul… hahahaha. Take what you will from it, the experience was memorable, but not one I’m in a hurry to repeat.

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